
Book an appointment today

With distribution in over 25 African Countries, Genuine Gerard® is just a phone call, email or click away.

The ORIGINAL stone coated metal roof tile is available exclusively through just one Exclusive Distributor in each country, so it’s important you know you’re dealing with the right company, as many purveyors of fakes will tell you their tiles are Gerard®.  They are not, and never will be, and the cost to you of these tiles will be far greater than just the price of the tiles.

For peace of mind, send your enquiry to us and we’ll make sure your local Gerard® Distributor will contact you to discuss your needs, timeframe and delivery requirements. A chat with your official Gerard® Distributor can save money too, as they’ll be able to calculate the most efficient use of our tiles.

To find out more:

Email us here , call us on (+44) 1525 634 255 or search #GenuineGerard